Talking Money With Your Family

Talking Money With Your Family

“The seeds of resentment can grow and grow and grow and really possibly destroy the fabric of certain families if you don't talk about it.”

Boy, this sounds like it can extend even beyond money issues, eh? And it does.

For starters, aging parents may have very particular desires around how -- and *who* -- to handle their investments, assets, healthcare decision making, and more. If these don’t get discussed, it can cause rifts for the parents, between the parents and kids, and even amongst the siblings.

If you don’t talk about tensions and issues, they will rarely heal themselves, and often this will lead to suffering.

On the other hand, having some productive conversations can relieve anxiety, leaving in its place greater clarity, understanding, peace of mind, and maybe even stronger familial relationships.

I invite you do FOUR things:

  1. Think about topics/issues where this is relevant for you and your family.

  2. Consider how things will likely look in 1/5/10 years if nothing changes.

  3. Consider what it would be like to have clarity, understanding, and peace of mind around these topics/issues.

  4. Listen to this week’s episode of The Couples Financial Coach Podcast, which features finance expert and best-selling author Erin Lowry, to learn how to get unstuck from #2 and achieve #3!

Have you ever struggled to have a good, real conversation with a family member or friend about your respective finances? If so, let me know what you think got in the way.

If you’ve had a good, real conversation with a family member or friend about your respective finances, please share what worked well and why!

And either way, check out Erin on this week’s episode of The Couples FInancial Coach Podcast. Not only does she walk the walk, but she’s written an ENTIRE BOOK on the walk!

Catch her wisdom, insight, and experience. Erin brings a nuanced, thoughtful perspective to her content, and I’m grateful that that includes this interview!

By the way, I’ve personally found curiosity, openness, and good intentions to be key in my most constructive conversations.

I look forward to hearing about your experiences! via my LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram channels - or simply email me at:

Want to level up your game around money in your relationship? My free quiz will help you learn your Couple’s Money Personality Type AND how you can grow from there!

~Adam Kol, The Couples Financial Coach

Adam Kol

I am a Couples Financial Coach who loves helping couples get on the same page, minimize their financial stress, and build healthy financial futures. As a Certified Mediator, a Lawyer, and a former Financial Advisor, I offer private coaching and programs so that you can have the teamwork, peace of mind, and financial freedom that you want and deserve.

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